Masis c.
500 kW
500 kW PV plant commissioned by Sarand LLC
The gas station of Masis reduced the cost of electricity to zero by installing a solar plant as a result of cooperation with the company Eco Step.
The installation of the PV plant was financed by Ameria Bank.
In order to ensure the ideal and safe operation of the station, Ameri Solar brand PV modules, Sofar Solar brand innverters, impulse overvoltage protection systems, direct and alternating current protection, and grounding were installed.
The gas station has annual savings of 40 million drams thanks to the Eco Step solar plant.
Thank you for your trust.
Technical specification
Financed by Ameria Bank
Ameri Solar brand PV modules
Sofar Solar brand innverters
Impulse overvoltage protection systems
Annual savings of 40 million drams