+374 77 388 338

51 Gai Ave, Yerevan 0076



24,2 kW

Solar project at Sipan Plaza

Eco Step Armenia successfully completed another solar project commissioned by individual entrepreneur Suren Simonyan. 

As part of the project, 44 Ameri Solar panels, model AS-7M144-HC 550W, were installed on the roof of Sipan Plaza.

These monocrystalline, half-cut technology panels, working in conjunction with Sofar Solar brand Sofar 11KTLX-5G3 inverters, will provide the business with more than 33,800 kWh of electricity annually. This translates into annual savings of approximately 1,800,000 AMD.

The total installed capacity of the solar power plant is 24.2 kW, and financing was provided by ARMECONOMBANK OJSC under special preferential terms. 

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