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Some Features of Solar PV System Installation

Some features of solar PV system installation

At first, we have to understand what the solar panel is, as it’s the most important element of the PV system.

The solar module / solar panel is a union of photovoltaic elements, which produce direct current. The solar panel is just a simple structure, which gives many visible advantages to its user, such as:

  • Decrease of utility, electricity costs.
  • Reduce of greenhouse gases.
  • Minimum costs of exploitation.
  • No noise pollution.

Solar panels may be monocrystalline and policristalline. They both are made from crystals.
To explain with the simplest words, a solar panel is an aluminium rectangle frame, which includes crystals and closes with special, protection glass. The glass has ideal transparency, so it helps the sun rays to penetrate inside. There are also some other type, flexible solar panels, without a frame, which are using for sticking on walls, on cars, tracks and so on. The efficiency of these panels is not as high as the simplest panels with frame.

Read also: Average lifetime of solar PV modules

So, concentrating only in solar panel technical characteristics and quality is not correct, cause in global, the productivity of solar panel is mostly depending on solar inverter, battery and other components characteristics and quality.

And so, let us introduce what are the core components of the most complicated solar PV system:

  • Solar panels (modules), which produce DC from sun rays. 
  • Controller, which is responsible for charging the batteries. 
  • Solar inverter, which may be both three phase and single phase. This depends of the user’s network. 
  • Batteries.

For the first phase of solar panel manufacturing process, some researchers are being done to use special high quality components and materials, which will be able to be exploited even in  -35 °C – +80 °C temperature terms.

The solar PV connection scheme may be introduces by the following way:

  • DC is going to controller with good quality, three phase insulated cables.
  • DC is dividing in two branches: One of the branches goes to house, which will be used by the user and the second branch goes to solar battery, where it’s being collected.
  • DC is passing to battery by solar inverter, where it’s being made three or single phase. The solar inverter responds for making the current 220V or 380V.
  • The alternating current is being distributed in junction box, after what it passes to feed all the equipment of the house.

However, the main reason to invest in solar PV installation is energy saving. For the excellent productivity of the PV system we have to take into consideration some factors such as the ideal site, no shadegood azimuth and slopeno high temperature and so on. We have talked and we’ll talk much for the role of these factors in our previous and next blogs.

Read also: How the solar inverter works? What kind of solar inverters exist?

To gain highest productivity, it’s very important to tilt the panels to south. The slope is already depending on the climate characters of the region, such as fog, temperature and so on. But anyway, the ideal variant is to change the tilt two times per year, in winter and in summer.
In the case, where solar panels are installed on ground, we need to consider also the snow load, so the solar structure, the mounting system must be higher. The height depends on the snow load of the region.

In case you’re thinking about an energy saving of your house or business, contact us

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